Can an Indian man marry a Pakistani woman? what does the law say

Special Marriage Act 1954: The love story of Seema Haider and Indian citizen Sachin Meena who came to India from Pakistan is in headlines. Pakistani woman illegally entered India through Nepal, for which UP ATS made a long inquiry from the border. Now preparations are being made to send Seema back to Pakistan. In this episode, a question must have come in everyone’s mind whether a Pakistani woman can tie the knot with an Indian man. What are the rules and regulations for an Indian person to marry a Pakistani? An Indian man can easily marry a foreign woman

What does the law say about this?

There are different laws related to marriage in India. Marriages are registered under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, the Muslim Marriage Act 1954 or the Special Marriage Act 1954. Any Indian can apply under the Special Marriage Act. This act does not work according to religion. It is necessary for the couple getting married here to be adults. That is, the age of the groom must be 21 years and the age of the bride must be 18 years, as well as both must be mentally competent.

Indian can marry with foreigner

Under this act, Indians can also marry foreigners. However, it is necessary to give a public notice of 30 days before getting married. That is, Seema Seema and Sachin can easily marry under this act. However, for this they will have to give a public notice of 30 days first.

Caste-religion, country-abroad does not come in the way

Under the Special Marriage Act, those people can also marry, who are from different caste, religion or country. That is, religion, caste, religion and borders will not come in the way of marriage. Under this act, their marriage done in this way in India will be legally valid in the whole world. Under this law, an Indian and a foreigner can also marry in India. There is no need to change religion to get married under this act. People of two different religions can marry without changing their religion or losing their religious identity.

read this also: Seema Haider: ‘Marriages do not take place in Pashupati Nath temple’, ‘official’ disclosure on Seema Haider and Sachin’s lie told in court for bail

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