July is the hottest month in the last hundreds of years, NASA scientists are worried

NASA: The heat has broken many records this year, everyone has faced a lot of problems due to the rising temperature. Meanwhile, a NASA scientist has issued a warning regarding July. Along with this, he has also expressed his concern about the changing weather. Actually, NASA’s climatologist Gavin Schmidt has claimed that the month of July has been the hottest in the last hundreds, or even thousands, of years.

NASA scientists have made this claim by analyzing the ground and satellite data of the European Union and the University of Maine. According to NASA experts, unprecedented changes are taking place all over the world. Hot winds blowing in America, Europe and China are breaking records every day. The scientist said that El Nino alone cannot be held responsible for the changing climate. El Nino is playing a minor role in weather patterns. The main reason for this is the continuous emission of green house gases in the environment and their lack of reduction.

Experts are worried about rising temperature

In the midst of all this, Schmidt also believed that the El Nino effect is also a reason, due to which the temperature is rising. Expressing concern, the NASA expert said that what is happening now has increased the possibility that 2023 will set a new record for being the hottest year. Even before this, many scientists have claimed that there is an 80 percent chance of 2023 being the hottest year. However, no one has confirmed this on the basis of data so far.

Things will be worse in 2024

Not only this, climatologist Gavin Schmidt has claimed that ‘according to my estimates, 2024 will be an even hotter year, because the El Nino effect is still increasing. And by the end of this year it will be at its peak. Let us tell you that the warnings of NASA experts have come when the world is struggling with rising temperatures.

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