Fierce fire broke out at Sardhana Kotwali in Meerut, fire tenders present on the spot

Meerut Sardhana Police Station Fire: A fire broke out in Sardhana Kotwali of Meerut on Saturday (July 22) late evening. At the same time, fire engines reached the spot as soon as the information about the fire was received. Efforts are being made to control the fire. The fire broke out in the computer room of Sardhana police station. There was a stir on the spot as soon as the information about the move was received. Two soldiers were badly burnt after coming in the grip of fire. The injured soldiers have been rushed to the hospital for treatment. Where his treatment is going on.

The fire in the police station was so severe that the whole room including all the computers kept in the computer room got burnt to ashes. As soon as the information was received, the fire department sent fire engines to the spot. The flames were increasing continuously, this fire was so fierce that its flames and rising smoke could be seen from a distance. Because of this, the fire engines that reached the spot had to struggle a lot to control the fire. At present the fire has been brought under control.

Cause of fire not clear

According to the news published in the media, after the fire, the vehicles present on the spot were removed immediately, although in many other cases the seized vehicles could not be removed from there. These vehicles have been badly burnt. After the fire broke out, the policemen posted in the police station saved their lives by running away. Due to the fire, there were explosions in many vehicles. Hearing these voices, the people around gathered. Some policemen got minor burns while trying to save the vehicles. At present, the reason for the fire is not yet clear. As soon as the information about the fire was received, SSP Rohit Sajwan and other officials reached the spot, at present the officials are investigating the cause of the fire.

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